Beauty & Wellness
In Ayurveda, the number three stands for balance and finds a central meaning in the theory of Tridosha. Ayurvedic medicine often uses Triphala as a central pillar for therapies that mainly targets the stomach and intestine. However, due to the complexity of the three power berries, Triphala is suitable for a wide variety of applications. Discover more in our blog.
We all have noticed and most likely already used them – the beauty products and supplements that promise firm, wrinkle-free skin and “everlasting youth”. But, as we all hopefully know, most of these products promise more than they can deliver. Nonetheless, there is one fascinating substance that stands out when it comes natural anti-aging agents and that is resveratrol.
The sun's warmth on our skin is pleasant, however, UV rays, which can certainly make you tan, can also be very harmful to your health. Excessive sunbathing can damage the DNA in our skin cells and produce genetic mutations, which may lead to premature skin aging (photoaging) and increase the risk of skin cancers. Through this blog, let's discover how to protect our skin from the outside but also from the inside.
Hormones play a fundamental role in our reproductive development. That is why it's important to know them and understand their function. We often experience side effects such as acne, mood swings, fatigue, weight fluctuation, as a result of hormonal imbalance.
Facial creams, deodorants, toothpaste, shampoo, perfumes, aftershave and soaps. Have you ever thought about how many cosmetic products you use per day? How much do you really know about what you're applying to your skin and body?
When it comes to health, most of us think of nutrition and fitness. What we often forget, however, is sleep, even though we spend a good third of our lives sleeping. This is a good thing, because we cannot do without sleep.